Sharai Rahnumai
This department provides Shar’i guidance on organizational matters and activities held under Dawateislami India.
Dar-ul-Ifta Ahl-e-Sunnat
This department is consist of Muftis and acclaimed scholars of Dawateislami India who ponder over problems face by the Muslims all around the world and provide solutions based on Shari’ah-ru...
This department conducts Dars-e-Nizami course (scholar course) for the students (both male and female) and teaches other branches of Islamic knowledge.
To teach Hifz-ul-Quran and Nazarah with correct pronunciation to little boys and girls.
Madrasa-tul-Madinah Baleghan
To teach the Holy Quran with correct pronunciation to Islamic sisters and brothers.
Gareeb Nawaz Online Academy
This department conducts online Hifz-ul-Quran, Nazarah, Dars-e-Nizami course (scholar course), other 55 courses (for Islamic brothers and sisters) and teaches many branches of Islamic knowle...
Madani Qafilah(Zaili Shoba : Darul Sunnah (Islami Bhai)
To manage and make preparations for 3-day, 12-day, 1-month and 12-month Madani Qafilahs. Darul Sunnah :To manage academies giving religious, ethical and organizational training to Islamic b...
Islahe Aamal
To publish, teach and review the performance of the good deeds given by Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat.
Al Madinah-tul-Ilmiyyah (Islamic research centre)
This department conducts research, composes and compiles Tafaseer, Ahadees (also their Tafaseer and commentary), Islamic books on Fiqh, Islamic scholars’ writings and new topics.
To translate books and booklets, composed by Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat Maulana Muhammad Ilyas Attar Qadiri دَامَـتْ بَـرَكَـاتُـهُـمُ الْـعَـالِـيَـهْ and compiled by Al-Madinah-tul-Ilmiyyah, in ...
Salah Timings
To provide guidance regarding the timings of Sehr-o-Iftar, Salawaat and Qiblah direction in cities, towns and villages all around the world.
This department manages matters like providing Aa`imah-e-Kiraam for Masajid running under Dawateislami India, making contract, reviewing performance etc.
Khuddamul Masajid Wa Madaris
To buy land for Masajid and Madaris.
Education Department
To publicize invitation towards righteousness and give religious training to students, teachers and staff members.
Medical Coordination
To publicize invitation towards righteousness among people associated with the field of medical like doctors, medical staff and supervise religious activities held under Dawateislami India.
Scholars Coordination (Rabita bil Olma)
To provide updates regarding Dawateislami India to the devotee of Rasool Islamic scholars and earn their supplications.
To publicize invitation towards righteousness among pilgrims at the shrines of pious men of Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ and supervise religious activities held under Dawateislami India.
Majlis Tajiran
To publicize invitation towards righteousness among businessmen (i.e., showroom owners, real estate advisors, people work at stock exchange, cash and carry stores and chamber of commerce) an...
Lawyers Coordination
To publicize invitation towards righteousness among lawyers and judges etc. who are associated with court and judiciary and supervise religious activities held under Dawateislami India.
To publicize invitation towards righteousness among people related to the field of journalism.
Muhabbat Barhao
This department reaches out to those Islamic brothers and sisters who would participate in the religious activities of Dawateislami India and motivate them to take part in such activities ag...
To govern Dawateislami India’s Madani centres go by the name ‘Faizan-e-Madinah’.
To conduct courses to provide training related to Shari’ah, ethics and organization.
Prisoners Reformation Coordination
To reform prisoners and provide them with Islamic and ethical trainings.
Special Persons
To publicize invitation towards righteousness among special persons like hearing impaired, visually impaired, speech impaired and disabled and supervise religious activities held under Dawat...
To manage accounting and audit based activities regarding Dawateislami India’s earning (donation), spending and wealth.
Donation Box
To visit shops, houses and other places to install donation boxes, look after them, collect donation and perform bookkeeping.
Rural Areas
To publicize invitation towards righteousness and Islamic knowledge in remote and small cities and villages and train people there to make them well-mannered and characterful Muslim.
Shrouding and Burial (Tajheez o Takfeen)
To provide services of Ghusl, shrouding and burial on the death of Muslim men and women. (Bear in mind, the department has male representatives for Islamic brothers and female representative...
Sacred Pages (Auraq Muaddasa)
To protect sacred religious writings from desecration and secure by putting them in deep waters.
Donation Cells
To set up stalls for the collection of donation.
Ruhaani Ilaj
For well-being of those who are sick, under debt and depression, this department provides them with spiritual cure through Istikharah and Awraad-o-Wazaaif etc.
Hajj and Umrah
To publicize invitation towards righteousness and provide Shar’i and ethical training to the ones departing on Hajj and Umrah pilgrimage.
Haftwar Ijtima & Madani Muzakra
Haftwar Ijtima: To manage and make schedule of thousands of weekly Ijtima’aat take place for Islamic brothers and sisters separately at various places. Madani Muzakra: This department delive...
To collect Ushar (Zakah on crops) and donation from land lords and farmers
To propagate and publish the Holy Quran, Tafseer, Hadees, books on Fiqh and other Islamic books.
Taqseem e Rasail
This department delivers religious books and booklets among common and special people and also distribute and get others to distribute these writings on happy or sorrowful occasions with an ...
To organize Mahafil-e-Na’t under Dawateislami India and select Na’t reciter and Na’t on holy nights.
To arrange food for the Islamic brothers and sisters participating in Ijtima’aat, Madani meetings, I’tikaf etc. held under Dawateislami India. (Bear in mind, department has male representati...
This department hires Islamic brothers and sisters as employees of Dawateislami India, perform grading, make salaries, provide medical facility and manage other matters.
To publicize invitation towards righteousness all around the world using information technology.
Property and Construction
This department manages Shar’i, organizational and legal issues of the properties own by Dawateislami India and also supervise the matters like timely completion, quality maintenance and map...
Darul Madina
Darul Madina To give Islamic (based on correct writings of Islam) and worldly education to boys and girls.
Faizan Weekend Islamic Classes
One-day weekly Classes for boys and girls to learn correct Islamic ways and education.
Social Media
This department publicizes invitation towards righteousness and also propagate and publish religious activities held under Dawateislami India via social media platforms.
GNRF (Garib Nawaz Relief Foundation)
A welfare department of Dawateislami India
To publicize invitation towards righteousness among engineers, doctors, account officers etc. and supervise religious activities held under Dawateislami India.
Tree Plantation
To plant trees and small-plants and give awareness about them.
Faizan Rehabilitation Centre
To rehabilitate disabled people and provide them with religious and ethical education.
The plants and trees are the great blessings of Almighty Allah. We exhale carbon dioxide as it turns poisonous after entering our body, trees absorb it and discharge oxygen which is essentia...
Skill Enhancement
At GNRF, we are committed to empowering individuals with essential skills to excel in today’s competitive world. Our Skill Enhancement Center is a new initiative aimed at providing comprehen...
Food Distribution & Welfare
Providing food to people in need is very important responsibility of GNRF. In the year 2022, we have distributed more than 1200 ration kits and 10,200 iftar packets to needy people. With thi...
Disaster Management
GNRF has very active and prominent Disaster Management. This department activates during disaster and provides support to people in need. Providing temporary shelter, medical facilities and ...
Medical is need for every person. GNRF organizes First AID and Free Medical Camps to help people. First AID training equips individuals with the essential skills to respond to emergency situ...
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Mumbai : Faizan-E-Madina, 50, Tan Tan Pura Street, Khadak, Masjid (W), Mumbai, Maharashtra-400009
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Contact :02223462526
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